Week 3 AM Snack Lunch PM Snack
Monday Choice of Cereal &

Red Del. Apple

2% Milk

Split Pea Soup w/Kale
Whole Wheat Bread
Golden Del. Apples

2% Milk

Whole Wheat Raisin
Bread & Wow Butter
(Alt. Inf/Tod: Whole Wheat Bread)
& Orange


2% Vanilla Yogurt w/Pear
Whole Wheat Melba Toast

2% Milk

Whole Wheat Macaroni & Cheese
Lettuce, Pinto Bean & Spinach Salad
(Alt. Inf/Tod.: Steamed Pinto Beans and Spinach)

2% Milk

Whole Wheat Bread w/Cheddar Cheese
& Golden Del. Apple


Whole Wheat English Muffin
& Boiled Eggs

2% Milk

Pesto Pasta w/Chicken Strips (no nuts)
(Alt. Veg.: Soya Strips)
Steamed Carrots
Golden Del. Apple

2% Milk

Homemade Trailmix
(Cheerios, Shreddies, Dried Cranberries, & Unsalted Pretzels)


Oatmeal Muffin & Mandarine

2% Milk

Sheppard’s Pie
(Ground beef, carrots, peas, corn, & mashed potatoes)
(Alt. Veg.: Ground Soya)
Multigrain Rolls

2% Milk

Unsalted Crackers w/ Wow Butter

Friday Choice of Cereal & Honey Dew Melon

2% Milk

Whole Wheat Pasta w/Roasted Zucchini,
Egg Plant & Diced Tomato
Tofu, Chick Pea & Lima Bean Salad
Ancient Grains Bread

2% Milk

Multigrain Toast & Homemade Tuna Spread

  • Water will be available throughout the day and infused with fresh oranges or tangerine slices.
  • Choice of Cereal: Multigrain Cheerios, Puffed Wheat, Raisin Bran, Shreddies, Bran Flakes, Brown Rice Krispies.
  • Salad Dressings and Sauces are made with no added salt.
  • Homo milk will be offered to Infants.
  • Surplus Fruit from Lunch will be served as third snack, at end of the day
  • Soya Margarine offered with bread

*Alt. Veg. – Substitution for Vegetarians
*Alt. Inf/Tod. – Substitution for Infants and Toddlers