
In order to help reduce the risk of respiratory infections (including COVID-19), a health screening is an essential step.

This Policy 7.2.59-C19 applies to all C&F employees, Primary Contacts, family members, community members and any other persons engaging in business with the Child Care Centres.

Everyone must be screened prior to entering the Child Care Centre.

Staff Self-Assessment at Home

For staff, an individual health assessment starts at home. Every C&F Employee must perform a screen on themselves prior to going to work.  If a C&F Employee answers ‘yes’ to any of the questions in the Health Screening Checklist, they must not go to work and must contact their Supervisor.

Screening Set-Up

The Supervisor is responsible for ensuring the following:

  • Complete the health screening training for appropriate staff.   Health Screening Staff refer to the staff members identified to carry out health screening.
  • Identify/set up the location and staffing of the screening table:
    • Place at front entrance, visually blocking entrance into the Child Care Centre (if possible)
    • Only ONE entrance/exit is to be used, to ensure that each person is screened
    • Maintain a minimum of 2 (two) metres distance between staff conducting screening and the person being screened
    • Provide visual guides to assist with physical distancing (e.g., pylons) in the event that a line-up forms while families and their children are waiting to be screened prior to entering into the Child Care Centre.
  • Place front entrance signage identifying the screening process outside and directly inside Child Care Centre doors.
  • Place hand sanitizer at the screening table. Ensure it is visible to staff/clients entering the building and they are asked to hand sanitize.
  • Ensure all PPE and screening materials are accessible in the area.
  • Ensure Health Screening Staff wear appropriate PPE at all times in accordance with the Health and Safety, PPE Policy 7.2.30, including: Gloves, Masks, Eye Protection and Gowns
  • Ensure Toronto Public Health resources are available for anyone who does not pass the screening
  • Ensure the health screening area is disinfected regularly throughout screening and the day

Health Screening Staff

Personal Protection for Health Screening Staff

Health Screening Staff must:

  • Wear appropriate PPE at all times in accordance with the Health and Safety, PPE Policy 7.2.30
  • Take appropriate precautions when screening, including maintaining physical distancing of at least two (2) metres from others, and must:
    • Ensure that surgical masks are worn anytime they are working in the screening area.
    • Eye protection must be worn when it is anticipated that the screening could generate bodily fluids (e.g., child is upset and crying during screening)

Health Screening Staff’s Responsibilities

Health Screening Staff are responsible for the following:

  • Every staff, child and visitor must be screened prior to being admitted into the Child Care Centre.
  • Staff must follow the Health Screening Checklist for each person and record the outcome (pass or fail).
  • Health screening questions are for:
    • C&F Employees to answer on their own and household’s behalf.
    • The Primary Contact to answer on their own, their child's and household’s behalf.
  • Only one Primary Contact is permitted into the screening area.   Primary Contacts are not permitted past the designated health screening area to ensure physical distancing.
  • Staff are not permitted past the health screening area until they have passed the screening and have been cleared to enter the Child Care Centre.
  • Only the children and staff will have their temperature taken, not Primary Contacts as they are not permitted in the Child Care Centre.
  • Primary Contacts are not permitted into the Child Care Centre.

Health Screening Steps

Health Screening Staff must take the following steps:

  1. Greet everyone into the Child Care Centre with a friendly, calm manner. Request that only ONE Primary Contact enters the screening area with the child, and request they both use hand sanitizer.  A suggested greeting:
    • “Good morning/afternoon. As you are aware COVID-19 continues to evolve, as a result we are conducting active screening for potential risks of COVID-19 for everyone who enters the location. The screening will ensure the safety and well-being of staff, children and families.”
  2. Ask the questions on the most recent Health Screening Checklist.
  3. Complete hand hygiene and wear appropriate PPE.
  4. Take temperature and record on the Health Screening Checklist.
    • "We are required to take your temperature. The thermometer has been disinfected, and gloves will be worn."
  5. Remove gloves
  6. Complete hand hygiene (hand washing or hand sanitizer).
  7. Disinfect thermometer and wait appropriate contact time.

If No to All Questions

  • If the individual answers NO to all questions, and does not have a fever (37.8 degrees C and above), they have passed the screening and can enter the Child Care Centre.  Suggested response:
    • “Thank you for your patience. Your child is cleared to enter the child care centre”

If Yes to Any Screening Question / Refusal to Answer / Fever

  • If the individual answers YES to any of the screening questions, refuses to answer, and/or has a fever (37.8 degrees Celsius and above), they have failed the screening and cannot enter the building.  Suggested response:
    • “Thank you for your patience. Unfortunately based on these answers, I’m not able to let you enter the child care centre. You will not be able to come back to the Child Care Centre until 24 hours after symptom resolution. You may decide to go to a COVID-19 assessment centre for testing.  You can also use the self-assessment tools on the Ministry of Health website or the Toronto Public Health website to determine if further care is required.”
  • If a staff member answers YES, advise the staff member that the Supervisor will be notified and that the Supervisor will follow up later in the day.
  • Provide clients with a hand out of resources.
  • Ensure that door handles, and any other surfaces the individual has touched are disinfected immediately. Personal protective equipment (PPE), a mask and gloves, must be worn for this, with hand hygiene performed before and after donning and doffing the gloves and mask. Please refer to Hand Hygiene 7.2.56 and the Health and Safety, PPE Policy 7.2.30


Ongoing Monitoring Throughout the Day

Staff should continue to self-monitor themselves and monitor children in care throughout the shift. Any symptoms must immediately be reported to the Supervisor.

Review and Signature

Health Screening Policy 7.2.59-C19 must be reviewed and signed at least annually by all C&F Employees.

7.2.59-C19:  Health Screening

Effective Date: July 2, 2020


Prepared and Approved by Executive Director